Association of Anatomical Pathology Technology

Council & Committees

Council & Committees

The AAPT has a Council and Committee structure, aligned to the AAPT Strategy 2021-2025, to support membership in professional and any other issues relating to anatomical pathology technology. In addition to the honorary roles of the President, Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer, ordinary Council members are elected each year at the AGM.

Each appointed Council member is required to be professionally registered with the ACHS or Science Council and to serve on Council for a three-year term of office. 

Members can directly contact Council at a dedicated email address

The Council

Executive Committee  
Chair: John Pitchers FAAPT
President: Prof Michael Osborn
Vice-Chair: Lydia Judge-Kronis CSci FAAPT
Treasurer Michelle Williams FAAPT



Council Date of Election to Council Re-election date
Tarot Harris FAAPT AGM 2022 Re-election date 2025 AGM
Emma Romeling FAAPT AGM 2022 Re-election date 2025 AGM
Robert Cast RSciTech MAAPT AGM 2023 Re-election date 2026 AGM
Samantha Bell RSciTech MAAPT AGM 2022 Re-election date 2025 AGM
Ishbel Gall FAAPT AGM 2024 Re-election date 2027 AGM
Yasmin Brown CSci FAAPT AGM 2024 Re-election date 2027 AGM
Tania Fernandes RSciTech MAAPT AGM 2023 Re-election date 2026 AGM
Frazer Rowlings-Ward MAAPT AGM 2023 Re-election date 2026 AGM
Michael Conway MBE CSci FAAPT AGM 2024 Re-election date 2027 AGM
Amy Calder CSci FAAPT AGM 2024 Re-election date 2027 AGM
Sarah Davis FAAPT AGM 2024 Re-election date 2027 AGM

Event Planning

Remit: Each year the AAPT host the AAPT Annual Educational Event with a commercial exhibition and full social programme. The planning of such an event takes a huge effort and the AAPT is always looking for support from members to ensure a successful meeting. 

Lead: Samantha Bell

Other Members:
Christian Burt
Michelle Williams
Robert Cast
Emma Romeling (co-opted as Education & Training Lead)

Education & Professional Standards

Remit: The AAPT is committed to help ensure and improve the educational standards for anatomical pathology technologists.  The Education & Professional Standards Committee includes the the AAPT CPD scheme and gatekeeping the standards relating to the RSPH Diploma 3 and 4 in Healthcare Science (Anatomical Pathology Technology). 

Strategy areas include Defined Professional Characteristics, Career Course Learning, Advanced Practitioner, Portfolio Careers, Original research and systematic review, Partnership with FE and HE institutions,, Evidence-based practice and Developing New Qualifications.

Lead: Emma Romeling

Other Members:
Tarot Harris
Ishbel Gall
Darren Makin (co-opted)

Emergency Planning and Response

Remit: This committee is primarily to raise the profile of anatomical pathology technologists with other professional groups involved in emergency planning and responding to emergencies. It also has a remit to recommend and assess professional standards when requested to do so.

This involves communication with the Home Office, deployment agencies and many other organisations. The committee also promotes relevant forensic and emergency planning courses that are available for anatomical pathology technologists to attend. 

Lead: John Pitchers

Other Members: 
Michelle Williams   
Frazer Rowlings-Ward
Michael Conway MBE

External Engagement and Liaison 

Remit: work related to Chair representation on the HTA Histopathology Working Group, RCPath Death Investigation Committee, executive liaison with Policy Connect/All Party Parliamentary Health Group and other defined stakeholders such as UKAS, NHS Employers and professional bodies. 

Aligned to the AAPT Strategy 2021-25, statutory regulation is a key area for this committee and the remit of the committee would also include fair and consistent grading and emerging technologies.

Lead: John Pitchers

Lydia Judge-Kronis
Emma Romeling
Christian Burt
Robert Cast

Member Engagement & Support

Remit: this committee encompasses the AAPT Strategy 2021-2025 areas of values-based practice, wellbeing and mental health, increasing membership and creative and engaging media.

Lead: Robert Cast

Christian Burt 
Yasmin Brown

Professional Registration 

Remit:  led by the Vice-Chair, this committee will cover the voluntary registration with the Academy for Healthcare Science and the Science Council professional awards. This is aligned to Voluntary Registration and Professional Equivalence in the AAPT Strategy 2021-25

Lead: Lydia Judge-Kronis

Other members 
John Pitchers
Christian Burt
Samantha Bell

End of Life Care

Remit: A working group to liaise with end of life care groups with regard to anatomical pathology practice and the care of deceased patients and their friends and relatives.

Lead: Tarot Noble                         

Other Members:
Lydia Judge-Kronis
Ishbel Gall

Perinatal and Paediatric Steering Group

Remit: The aim of this group is to raise awareness of the perinatal and paediatric pathology speciality. The different processes involved in performing post mortems to the roles of the APT’s involved.

Many mortuaries either undertake perinatal/paediatric post mortems or refer these cases to specialist centres.

This small steering group of specialised centres aim to create professional guidance and educational events for all APT’s to access.

Lead: Lydia Judge-Kronis

Other Members:
Amy Lee
Tarot Harris
Sarah Davis

External representation

John Pitchers
Human Tissue Authority
John Pitchers
RCPath Death Investigation Committee
John Pitchers & Christian Burt
Science Council (Licence reviews)
Michelle Williams
RCPath Trainee Pathologists working group

Robert Cast

Science Council Routes to Registration Committee
Robert Cast
IBMS Service User and Carer Engagement Group
Lydia Judge-Kronis & Amy Lee

NHS England Perinatal Pathology Steering Group

Lydia Judge-Kronis/Robert Cast

Academy for Healthcare Science

Emma Romeling

North Tees Training Centre for the RSPH Level 3 and Level 4 in HCS (APT)

Ishbel Gall
NES Healthcare Science
Lydia Judge-Kronis & Michael Conway
NHS England Clinical and functional recommendations and standards for Mortuary Departments within Hospital 2.0.