To advertise a job vacancy at, please contact email for legitimate APT posts (NHS and Local Authority) this is now FREE OF CHARGE
Please note the recognised professional job title is ANATOMICAL PATHOLOGY TECHNOLOGIST and the AAPT will not advertise any vacancies unless this professional title is used
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London
This is a senior post for an experienced Specialist Anatomical Pathology Technologist (APT) who holds both the Certificate & Diploma of Anatomical Pathology Technology or the Level 3 Diploma in Anatomical Pathology technology with relevant, extensive and demonstrable experience.
As a Specialist Senior APT in the Mortuary and Bereavement Service (MBS) the post holder is expected to support both junior and senior staff, work as part of a team on a rotational basis within all specialities of Mortuary and Bereavement work and rotate between Guy’s and St Thomas’, and be able to assist in specialist post mortems, including paediatrics and high risk cases.