APTs have a vital role to play as part of the Disaster Victim Identification process by providing assistance not just to the pathologist but to all forensic experts, police and others involved in the process.
Registration for the UKDVI APT Team database has now changed ; details of APTs (AAPT members and non-members) will now be held on a web based programme called Membermojo; once registered and accepted you will be able to keep your contact details up to date which will help to ensure you are kept informed of training, exercises and potential deployments.
Please use the link below to join the team; your application will be checked and processed by one of the 7 team managers; Kevin Breheney, Mike Conway, John Pitchers, Terry Venn-Adams, Dave Ridgewell, Matthew Haswell and Matt Rogers.
Please note: existing UKDVI APT Response Team Members will have to re-register their details on Membermojo – you will not be automatically transferred from GroupSpaces.