Association of Anatomical Pathology Technology


Download AAPT Membership Form

Download AAPT Direct Debit Form

Joining the AAPT

Please download the application & direct debit mandate then send with photocopies of qualifications to AAPT, 12 Coldbath Square LONDON EC1R 5HL. 


The AAPT represents members who work in both hospital and public mortuaries and is acknowledged as the guiding body to represent the healthcare science field of anatomical pathology technology.

The AAPT offers 3 levels of membership for Anatomical Pathology Technologists (Fellow, Member and Student), a membership for those working as mortuary assistants (Associate) and an affiliated membership for other healthcare scientists and pathologist colleagues (Affiliate)

Fellow £60.00 per annum

To apply for the Fellow grade, a technologist will hold as a minimum requirement the Royal Society of Public Health Diploma of Anatomical Pathology Technology or the Level 4 Diploma in Anatomical Pathology with 4 years post-qualification experience. The Council of the AAPT will consider a non-UK educational equivalent to the Diploma for those technologists working and qualified from overseas. Photocopies of qualifications are required with your application.

Member £50.00 per annum

To apply for the Member grade, a technologist will hold as a minimum requirement the Royal Society of Public Health Certificate of Anatomical Pathology Technology or the Level 3 Diploma in Anatomical Pathology Technology. Photocopies of your qualifications are required with your application.

Student (includes apprentices) £35 per annum 

To apply for the Student grade, an individual will be employed as a trainee technologist and be working towards the qualifications required to be a Member of the AAPT. This rate also applies to mortuary technician apprentices.

Associate £35 per annum

An Associate member of the AAPT will be working as a Mortuary Assistant or equivalent.

Affiliate Member £60 per annum

This grade is for those who wish to be affiliated to the AAPT. For example: pathologists, histopathology biomedical scientists or technologists working overseas without equivalent qualifications to the Diploma and Certificate.

For Students, Associates and Affiliates, an application must be supported by a signature from a full member of the AAPT or pathologist.

Overseas Applicants

We welcome applicants from outside the United Kingdom. Overseas applicants should join as Affiliate members - for those working in Europe, the USA, New Zealand or Australia this is £60 per annum. The payment fee for those working in the Rest of the World will be decided on an individual basis by the Executive Committee and will take into account salary in comparison to the UK.