Are you a mentor to a trainee APT who is either on a registered Level 3 / Level 4 training course?
Are you about to employ a trainee APT and register them for the next training course?
Or do you just want to find out more about the trainee APT training programmes and expectations to enhance your own knowledge for CPD and future reference?
Then this awareness day is for you - so book here
The programme will aim to cover what is expected of you as a mentor, from practical training in competency modules, to assisting your trainee APT in compiling a portfolio to support through exams and what to expect on the actual final assessment day.
The programme:
10.30 - Registration
11.00 - Overview of the Level 3 / 4 Diploma
11.30 - Common practical assessment standards
12.00 - What is a good mentor? Hints and tips on supporting your TAPT
12.30 - Lunch
13.15 - Workshop - how to write an effective witness statement / how to prepare your students for exams
14.30 - Break
15.00 - The external assessment process - what to expect on the day
15.30 - Questions
16.00 - Close
Facilitated by:
Emma Romeling – Council member, level 3 Diploma assessor allocator & external assessor
Sarah Davis – Council member, external Assessor & previous student mentor
Michelle Lancaster – Council member, level 3 diploma course facilitator & external assessor