Could you help lead the AAPT in London & South East?
The AAPT are looking for an experienced technologist to co-lead the APT network in London and the South East. This follows the stepping down of David Shepherd FAAPT from the Lead Co-ordinator role – David is thanked by Council for his efforts within the region.
Working alongside a newly qualified APT
Ben Deakin MAAPT has shown great enthusiasm in promoting the work of the AAPT and organising events for the network. As a newly qualified technologist, it would be of great help if Ben could work alongside a Fellow of the AAPT given the size of the region and the many issues that can arise within such a large geographical area.
Time Commitments
Regional leads are invited to Council meetings of the AAPT and will be expected to organise at least two events per year (i.e. evening lectures and social gatherings).
Regional networks of the AAPT have the following ethos:
The main role for any region would be to organise meetings and lectures that would be of benefit to members and could act as an incentive for non-members to join.
AAPT Regional events would be inclusive to all in that area - including non-members and there would be no barrier to any technologists who wish to attend from outside that region.
In essence, it’s about bringing technologists together in an arena where they can be updated in an educational and professional way.
Examples of good local practice can be shared and disseminated between local networks and beyond
A Region can also feed information to Council to help inform policy decision and future work steams & production of material for the AAPT E-newsletter
Local events would be CPD accredited and advertised at with the potential for regional group sub-domains within the main Events section
If you are interested, please email Ben Deakin or call Christian Burt on 0207 278 2151 or the AAPT Chair James Lowell on 0207 188 0943