Association of Anatomical Pathology Technology


Benchmarking Survey

The AAPT have agreed to share a survey link from the London Borough of Waltham Forest (East London Forensic Centre)

From London Borough of Waltham Forest (East London Forensic Centre)

Welcome to our Mortuary Service Benchmarking Survey!

This Mortuary Service Benchmarking Survey is an initiative aimed at shedding light on the critical aspects of this essential industry. This survey aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of mortuary services, enabling us to identify trends and benchmarking insights. Your input will help us gain insights into the staffing, demographics, pay, charges for mortuary services, and other critical statistics within the mortuary industry.

By collecting comprehensive data, we seek to create a robust foundation for evaluating and improving these vital services. Your responses will contribute to the development of benchmarks and industry workforce profiling, which can assist both individual facilities and the broader mortuary service community in making informed decisions and improvements. Your participation in this survey is instrumental in achieving these objectives. The insights generated will benefit not only mortuary service providers but also the communities they serve. 

Why Benchmark Mortuary Services?

Quality Assurance: Benchmarking allows us to identify best practices, leading to improved service quality.

  1. Quality Assurance: Benchmarking allows us to identify best practices, leading to improved service quality
  2. Transparency: Sharing the results of this survey promotes transparency within the mortuary service industry
  3. Resource Allocation: Understanding the distribution of resources, both human and financial, ensures that mortuaries can allocate their resources effectively, optimizing service delivery
  4. Industry Growth: By benchmarking, we can identify trends and areas where the mortuary service industry can grow and adapt to evolving needs, such as the challenges presented by pandemics
  5. Advocacy: Data collected through this survey can be used to advocate for necessary changes, such as improved funding or recognition of the essential work performed by mortuary professionals

Thank you for your time and valuable input. Your participation in this survey is essential in advancing our understanding of the mortuary service landscape. Please take a moment to provide us with accurate and detailed information to ensure the success of this benchmarking initiative. The results of the benchmarking will be circulated, and we are available for any questions you may have.

Together, we can elevate the standards of mortuary services. Thank you for your participation and dedication to this important endeavour!

Take the Survey

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