Association of Anatomical Pathology Technology


RSciTech Masterclass 5th September 2024

The AAPT are hosting a free of charge Registered Science Technician (RSciTech) in-person masterclass in September 2024

The AAPT hold a Full Licence with the Science Council to offer the Registered Science Technician (RSciTech), Registered Scientist (RSci) and Chartered Scientist (CSci) professional registration awards.

Registration with the Science Council enables eligible AAPT members to publicly demonstrate their commitment to professional standards, the APT profession and to use the designatory letters after their name.

Starting from Cohort 7 (commencing February 2025) all RSPH Level 4 Diplom in Healthcare Science (APT) potential candidates must be professionally registered with the Science Council as a prerequisite for the RSPH Level 4 Diploma in Healthcare Science (APT) North Tees course application process.

This change has been implemented to support candidates in demonstrating they meet professional standards around quality management, leadership and ongoing CPD ahead of commencing the Level 4 course as these elements form part of the  wider ethos of the Level 4 qualification that can be linked to the course LO's and career managerial progression.

RSciTech AAPT Masterclass registration form

Masterclass programme

09.50-10.20    Registration & coffee/tea

10.20-10.30    Overview of the day and current update including shortened applications Christian Burt (IBMS Professional Support Services Manager)

10.30-11.15    Hints and tips/model examples at RSciTech award level Robert Cast RSciTech MAAPT (AAPT Council)

11.15-11.45    What an assessor looks for in an RSciTech application Samantha Bell RSciTech MAAPT (AAPT Council)

11.45-12.00    Break

12.00-12.30    CPD review overview Tarot Noble-Harris FAAPT (AAPT Council)

12.30-13.00    Lunch

13.00-15.30    Real time completion of standards with help at hand from the experts in the room

15.30-15.45    Wrap-up and last questions Robert Cast RSciTech MAAPT


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