Association of Anatomical Pathology Technology


New RSPH Level 2 certificate for mortuary support staff

There is a service requirement for a formal standardised level 2 qualification for other supporting staff working in mortuary environments (public and private mortuaries)

North Tees training centre are please to announce that the Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH) have introduced a new national qualification for all mortuary support staff - the Level 2 Certificate in mortuary support.

There is a service requirement for a formal standardised qualification for supporting staff working in mortuary environments. The training course has been designed around 3 integrated theory / work based units covering Operational, H&S, infection control  and mortuary governance learning outcomes relating to the mortuary environment.

This course training will last approx. 9 months with units being assessed using RSPH set multi-choice examinations and centre set assignment pieces with external verification by the Association of Anatomical Pathology Technology (AAPT)

Potential candidates will need to nominate a work based mentor or mentors; this could be an APT, your Mortuary manager, or other Line manager. The centre will also work with your mentor, if required, to support them to support you. Registration onto the course also includes 2 years membership of the AAPT.

To be eligible the candidate must be currently employed (or on a formal work experience or learning contract) in a public or NHS mortuary, - evidence of employment/ contract must be submitted with the application.

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