Association of Anatomical Pathology Technology


Jack's Law

Official AAPT statement

AAPT are very supportive and thankful about the introduction of Jack’s Law

It is a positive step in the recognition that parents need time out following their bereavement.

Having the freedom of choice of how this time is taken enables the parents to do what feels right for them. Allowing this paid time away from work provides some support at a time when emotions are high and the intensity of managing personal feelings fluctuates regularly. 

It can take more than two weeks before a funeral is even held but at least this as a foundation, is something that can be built on. 

Death of someone you love is never easy, even when expected. There isn’t a magic timeframe that suits everyone but at least this paves the way for more open discussion about the experiences of death. Hopefully we will eventually see the introduction of this time off period being available for all those bereaved by immediate family members. 



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