Association of Anatomical Pathology Technology


Education & Training Update

On Tuesday 14th January 2014 the AAPT were represented at the Education and Training Scrutiny Group (ETSG) of the Health Education England Healthcare Science Implementation Network meeting where the final drafts of the BSc and Work Based Learning Guide were submitted for approval.

 After the initial presentation to the group, on 9th July 2013, which AAPT did not have to attend, work had been progressed with a range of stakeholders to develop Modernising Scientific Careers (MSC) based education and training routes for Anatomical Pathology Technologists at Career Framework Levels 4, 5, and 6. Yesterday’s agenda item was to present the final draft versions of the curriculum and learning guide for this proposed addition to the Practitioner Training Programme.

 All depended on our submission meeting the Review Criteria for Modernising Scientific Careers Practitioner Training Programme (PTP) Curricula. There are fourteen points we had to meet in order to gain approval and each were marked GREEN (MET), AMBER (PARTIAL) or RED (NOT MET). After a rigorous questioning the proposals thankfully met with approval and we had 14/14 GREEN (MET) on our assessment form. In total two words needed to be added to the document so that was very minor and done there and then.

 A call for expressions of interest for MSC Accreditation of BSc programmes for 2014/15 has already gone out and an earlier draft of the BSc programme is on NHS networks. There has been interest so the MSC Accreditation should be awarded to a Higher Education Institute very soon. Following the meeting we have to make no amendments to address feedback so the final versions of the BSc and Work Based Learning Guide will be sent for proof reading now before being published as final versions.

 With the Level 3 Diploma just about to commence it finally seems that the new Education & Training programme, on the Agenda back in 2003, is now almost a reality. There has been much hard work over the years and many frustrations as goalposts moved but a big thank you should go out to those involved previously especially Terry Johnson and James Lowell.

 I will update further with any new information as I get it.

Ishbel Gall - AAPT Chair

15th January 2014

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